Sunday 14 July 2024



Do you listen to podcasts? I confess to being an addict, although within a very restricted range of subjects. The topic that has interested me most of late is nutrition.

There are many streaming or downloadable recordings out there around this theme. What should you be eating or not eating to lose weight, to slow the ageing process, improve your gut biome, what is the new superfood etc. etc. But how frustrating they can often be!

Some can go on for more an hour. Perhaps considerably more, talking all the way around the subject and seemingly never getting to the nitty gritty, the reason why I started listening after being attracted by what was promised in the heading or sub-heading. Many a time I have given up, despairing of the host and his 'expert' guest or guests ever getting to the specifics I want to hear.

There are exceptions, however, foremost among them the late, lamented Michael Mosely, whose Just One Thing series had a limit of fifteen minutes, in fact less as they were originally BBC Radio 4 broadcasts and radio programmes always have to leave room for announcements. Thanks to him I now eat beetroot and various other food items that I previously tended to bypass, am more aware than ever of the importance of exercise and that you don't need to go to the gym to stay fit, how fortunate one is to be surrounded by greenery, and so on.

I first became aware of Mosely at Heathrow Airport, where I bought a copy of his book on the microbiome to keep me company on a long-haul flight. I was hardly aware of anything called microbiome and its significance until then. Then there were his television programmes and newsletters from his Fast 800 dietary business, although that is primarily for people who want to lose weight in a healthy manner without starving to death. Why aren't there programmes for people like me who want to put on weight? Healthily!

Mosely was clearly remarkably active, although by no means working alone in his various enterprises. Indeed, there seems to be a remarkable number of medical practitioners, or former practitioners, who have found it more rewarding to produce podcasts and/or radio or tv programmes than simply treating patients personally. If only more of them were less garrulous and got to the point before listeners like me turn them off.

PS Midsummer is well behind us now, but my Midsummer Revelry story in the June issue of The Mantlepiece magazine can still be read online at

Thursday 8 February 2024

To Guide or Not to Guide

 The prospect of writing a guidebook was daunting indeed and I thought long and hard before deciding taking the task on. The whole country would have to be covered, by just one person. Me. It would involve collecting and arranging an enormous amount of factual information, adding comments and guidance where appropriate, about everything from travelling to and within the country to accommodation, where to eat, what to see and do in every corner of the land from the far south on the narrow channel separating Sweden from Denmark, to the polar North, far above the Arctic Circle. There would also be guided walks in the major centres and a particular emphasis on history and culture.

The deciding factor, however, was that it would take me to parts of the country I hadn't been to before despite being a long-time resident (how many people have been to every part of the country in which they live?), or would like to revisit. So I said yes and signed a contract, well aware that the assignment would involve infinitely more work than pay. But there were other potential rewards to consider.

As expected, the fun part was in travelling around the land. The great fun part was in digging out, or surprisingly coming across, stories, information, that few people would know about and that potential readers were not likely to find elsewhere. Who knew, for example, that the first prisoner of war exchange in the second world war took place in Gothenburg? I stayed two nights in the hotel where final negotiations were held. The manageress told me she had once met someone who worked there at the time and how alarmed she and other members of the uninformed staff were when they saw and heard uniformed Germans greeting each other with the “Heil Hitler” salute. They assumed that the Nazis had invaded the country, as they had already done in Norway and Denmark. And when I went to the harbour area to find the exact spot where the exchange had occurred, how surprised I was when I asked two elderly gentlemen sitting on a bench if they could tell me where the dock was that I was looking for when one of them revealed that he had witnessed the scene as a small child living in a flat overlooking the harbour. It had made such an impression on him that he was able to describe it in vivid detail.

The most enjoyable trip was a four-day journey across Sweden from east to west in a narrow canal boat, with confined cabins rather like large wooden sardine tins standing on end. But there was very good food and pleasant company in the narrow dining room, while traversing the peaceful countryside and being able to visit places of interest along the way, jumping off the boat at the many locks. Sometimes we crossed a lake in the chain of waterways that can take you from Stockholm to Gothenburg if you have the time – and let's face it – the money, to spare. For someone like me, however, it was free of charge as the canal company wanted the publicity. And I did have to work.

Another highlight was a visit to Mora in the province of Dalarna to the north-west of Stockholm, where the annual 90 km Vasa Ski Race ends and which is home to the magical Zorn Museum. Anders Zorn (1860-1920), my favourite Swedish artist, whose skill as a portraitist led to his making seven trips to the United States, where his commissions included portraits of three Presidents, Cleveland, Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. But it was by no means only portraits that he painted and if ever you get the chance, lookout for some of his wondrous water colours.

From Mora there is the inland railway line to Gällivare 70 km above the Arctic Circle, with an overnight stop in the town of Östersund, situated on the shores of a lake, Storsjö, famed here for its version of the Loch Ness Monster. The local tourist office has a map showing where you are most likely to see it. It also has its own website

The inland line was the first main line to be completed in Sweden and, unfortunately, the first to be closed to passenger traffic. However, it has been kept partially alive from Midsummer until the autumn by informative enthusiasts, the train stopping here and there for you to get out and look around, and long enough at some stations for passengers to get refreshment or a meal.

A further 70 km beyond Gällivare is Sweden's northernmost township, distinguished these days by being an urban centre on the move as it is literally being undermined by its huge iron ore mine. It has been relocating in stages to a safer site. Small township it may be, but it is also the centre of a huge municipality covering an area of some 20,000 km that contains the country's highest mountain, thousands of lakes, seven rivers, two national parks and much else of note.

Yes, all that was the fun part of the work. The rest was a hard slog to produce 400 printed pages that were eventually published in London and New York.

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Letter from my island 02


Alone and unattached, or with fox-family and friends, the unwelcome canine creature for whom I have little sympathy, is not the only island animal for which I have hard feelings. Even the squirrels that run around the cottage before darting up a tree, fail to melt my heart, at least since the time when I used to grow strawberries. Of course, I was not naive enough to think they would be left undisturbed by local land-based or airborne marauders if unprotected and so they were carefully covered with netting. It was a good year for them and they were admired by friends visiting from the other side of the planet. Suddenly my friends called out to me.

Don't get angry,” they said.

Angry? Why Should I get angry?

They were laughing.

I followed their gaze, and there was a squirrel, which had managed to lift up the netting though I fondly thought it was firmly secured, sitting on the ground, happily munching my plump red fruit!

Then there are badgers. I have admittedly only seen one on the property in the past year or so, but there used to be a whole family somewhere very close by. They would regularly come out for an evening stroll when it was getting dark, keeping to the edge of my place as though there was a public right of way there. Innocent enough, you might think, but given half a chance they would tip a dustbin over and spread everything in it around the landscape, something the fox must have learnt from, although I have never heard of him trying to get at anything so large and with a lid.

Most people visiting the island would rank the roedeer above the squirrels as the most attractive of the island fauna. They ooh and ah over them and think they are so graceful and pretty. Residents hate the sight of the them. Let them get anywhere near your vegetable garden and it's goodbye to all your hard work and epectations. In the growing season, when the island is full of the food that they can keep them in the pink of condition, they will nonetheless go for the little you have carefully nurtured and maintained against all the odds. And they won't just take a lettuce and be satisfied with that, but will go along a whole row and bite the tops off every one!

Towards the opposite end of the size scale are the much-despised slimy slugs. There are two varieties that set alarm bells ringing in these parts, the longer black 'forest slug' and the fearful brown invaders commonly known here as 'murder slugs'. Many are the tips that are bandied about for dealing with them. One that I have tried is to sink little pots of beer in the ground around the vegetable plot. Sure enough, no sooner had I done so than it became evident that the creatures will do anything to get some free booze. Their advance party must have spread the word far and wide and soon every slug on the island was heading in this direction!

Okay, many drowned in the drink, but their numbers are unlimited. Moreover, it didn't take long for assorted birds and beasts to discover there was good ale-marinated grub to be had in those sunken pots. I would come out in the morning and find they were no longer in the ground, but had been lifted up and tipped over to get at what was inside.

So what to do? Even with only the smallest horticultural aspirations, life is a perpetual battle against these voracious, heartless invaders – and I have hardly mentioned aerial bombardment by winged creatures of varying sizes, all with evil intent. I have but one card up my sleeve, one that I tried to a very limited extent very late in the season last year. I hesitate to speak too quickly, but a full-scale trial is due to begin in the spring.

Friday 1 December 2023

Letter from my island


Letter from my island (in the Stockholm archipelago)

This morning, looking out at the snowy scene and noting how an overnight fall has completely covered the areas I cleared only yesterday, I saw the fox crawling underneath the cottage. He has become a regular, uninvited visitor. But should I not feel sorry for him? He wants shelter. He wants food. The trouble is, his visits invariably spell trouble.

There are no recycling bins on the island for plastic or metal, only for glass and newspapers – near the jetty, about one-and-a-half kilometres from here. To throw plastic and metal containers in the ordinary rubbish, which is collected every other week, would leave me with a bad conscience, especially with regard to plastic, so I collect them and wait for the recycling boat to come, which it does twice a year. I have been tying them up in refuse bags and leaving them on a trolley outside, ready to be wheeled away when the time comes. Hmm... It's no longer possible. The fox gets there first.

His sense of smell tells him immediately whether anything has contained food, regardless of there being traces left or not, and he will stop at nothing to get at it. I have placed a heavy log over a bag, but what use is that against one so skilful and sly. He will somehow get it, and although he may not be good at untying knots, will gnaw his way through the bag, drag it away and spread its contents far and wide. So now the bags are piling up in the tool shed, where he has little chance of reaching the bolt that keeps it closed.

Or has he? My nearest neighbour assures me he is by no means the only representative of his species on the island, so I suppose he could return with some of his friends and relations and stand on each other's backs. You may think it's very unlikely, but I have underestimated him before. And lived to regret it.

Monday 2 October 2023

Alfred Nobel and his Prizes

It's that time of year again, when speculation is rife as to who will receive the prestigious, and lucrative, NobelPrizes, with acclaim or criticism from the media pundits and others once the winners are announced.

Whether Alfred Bernhard Nobel realised what a stir he would create, we cannot know. He was a man of great contrasts. A Swede born in Stockholm in 1833, he spent most of his life abroad. The inventor of dynamite and other explosives, he was even called a 'merchant of death', but aimed to promote world peace. A skilled chemist, he wrote poetry in both Swedish and English, and prose in other languages too. The son of a man who twice went bankrupt, he became one of the wealthiest people in the Western world.

His great wealth did not bring him happiness, however. He never married, suffered from loneliness and was in delicate health from childhood. Only in the last three years of his life did he have a home of his own in Sweden, where he had bought the Bofors (pr. ‘Boo-fosh’) armaments factory. He nevertheless died in the Italian resort town of San Remo on December 10 1896. And December 10 is the day on which the Nobel Prizes are ceremonially awarded each year, the Peace Prize in Oslo, the others at the Concert Hall in Stockholm.

His will was written in Swedish without legal guidance, which led to much delay in its implementation as it was disputed. It stipulated that the greater part of his estate should be invested and the income distributed annually in the form of prizes to those conferring the greatest benefit on mankind during the preceding year within the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and what he called ‘brotherhood among nations’, but which we know as the Peace Prize.

Swedish institutions were to award the first four prizes: the Royal Academy of Sciences (physics and chemistry), Royal Caroline Institute (physiology or medicine) and the Swedish Academy (literature). The Peace Prize was to be awarded by a committee of the Norwegian Storting, or Parliament, as Norway was joined to Sweden in a union under the Swedish crown during Nobel's lifetime. A sixth award, the Economics Prize, was added in 1968 by the Bank of Sweden in his memory.

There is no doubt that Nobel had a great interest in each of the fields he mentioned. The Peace Prize is the one that is most intriguing. Nobel believed that when the great power of explosives was understood, nobody would use them for military purposes. He knew from personal experience what devastation they could cause. In 1864 the factory where he had been studying nitroglycerine was blown up killing everyone in it, including his 21-year-old brother Emil. Nevertheless, he maintained his factories could well put an end to wars sooner than all the peace congresses that were held.

He was also influenced by his friendship with the Austrian Baroness von Sutter, a pioneer in the peace movement. She was herself awarded the Peace Prize in 1905. But as with the Literature Prize, some of the laureates selected in Oslo, such as Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho in 1973, and Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat in 1978, have been highly controversial, while others generally considered to deserve the award, such as Mahatma Gandhi, have been unacknowledged. And when the first Literature Prize was awarded to Sully Proudhomme in 1901, Sweden's foremost author August Strindberg, who never received the prize, and more than forty other prominent Swedes wrote a letter of apology to Tolstoy.

The stipulation about conferring the greatest benefit on mankind in the preceding year has been more closely observed for the Peace Prize than for the others, with juries otherwise tending to look back at what candidates have achieved during their careers as a whole and not only in the very recent past.

Thursday 3 November 2022


It's not only in such dramatic circumstances as being stranded abroad and threatened by fire, that the unexpected can catch you unawares. Take what happened to me less than two months ago.

I had been feeling unwell for weeks and put it down to allergic reactions, poor sleep and anything else I could think of to explain it away. However, one of the closest neighbours on the island where I've spent almost all my time since returning to Sweden from enforced exile in California, is a retired district nurse and she and her husband finally persuaded me to see a doctor at the local medical centre, about a fifteen minute boat ride away. Which I did, taking with me my shopping trolley as you can't buy anything on the island and I badly needed to replenish my food supplies. I would go to the supermarket after my appointment. Hmm.

Tests were taken. The doctor looked at the results – and sent for an ambulance! I had a very high level of infection, an even higher level of inflammation and low blood counts. Ten minutes later I was on my way to the hospital, shopping trolley and all.

I'll say this, if you absolutely must go to the hospital A & E, it is much better to arrive in an ambulance than simply to walk in. Your status is definitely higher, though unless you are deemed to be in the most urgent need of attention it doesn't mean you will spend very much less time waiting for someone to come and decide what to do with you. But you won't have to lie among a herd of other poor souls seeking help. At least I didn't.

I arrived in the afternoon. Well after midnight I was wheeled to one of the wards, having first been covid-tested. Without a negative result you won't be placed among non-covid patients. Of course. At about one o'clock in the morning I was given something to eat and later moved into a room with one other person, blissfully snoring in his sleep. By two o'clock I was attempting to join him in slumberland and might just have succeeded an hour or so later when I felt someone groping for my arm, needle at the ready. To take blood. A couple of hours later, maybe less, it was the turn of a young lady wanting to record my blood pressure, temperature etc. “Have you had a good night's sleep?” she asked.

I tried to open my mouth, but words wouldn't come.

(To be continued)

Monday 14 February 2022

Life has its Contrasts


What do you say to forty-four degrees of scorching heat and having to escape from one of California's wildfires, compared to staying in a small timber-built cottage on a tiny, at times ice-bound, island in the Stockholm archipelago – which is where I am now? The pandemic has certainly brought contrasts into my life.

The present problem does not involve checking air quality and the progress made by fire fighters, but keeping a careful eye on the thermometer to know when the taps are likely to dry-, or rather freeze-, up and there is no running water. That has already happened a number of times. A lesson I learned the first time was to fill up everything available as soon as the weather gods relented for a day or two and the taps started to drip, drip and eventually run again. For a while.

There are no municipal supplies on the island so everyone has to make their own arrangements, which inevitably means having a well drilled deep into the post-glacial stone-strewn ground. Mine goes down about forty-five metres, which is far below the frost-free level, but the water has to come up to the surface. I have installed a small heater in the space below the cottage where it comes in, but the weak link is between that and the well outside. Of course, I should have made sure it was sufficiently well insulated long ago, but as I never envisaged staying here in the depths of winter, I never bothered.

But going without running water is by no means the only hazard to be aware of. There can be storm winds at this time of the year, and with them the likelihood of a power failure, like the one that occurred a couple of weeks ago, leaving the indoor warmth to fall alarmingly in the direction of the sub-zero temperatures outside. Fortunately, I was rescued by my kind neighbours, who invited me to sit in front of the efficient wood-fired appliance that spreads its warm glow around their place.

Then stepping outside also has its dangers as there are patches of smooth ice to look out for, sometimes artfully concealed by a thin layer of snow – like the one I fell over on with a nasty bump more than a week ago. It still hurts!