In this
digital age, DIY has expanded far beyond doing household repairs or
knocking together a garden shed of varying degrees of permanence and
stability. Now ordinary mortals can concoct their own website.
Without writing a line of code. Who would have thought it not so very long ago?
Not me at any rate. A simple blog maybe, but a site? “You
must have one,” they said, the so-called pundits, as though it were
as vital as our daily bread (which has turned out not to be so vital,
by the way, so I'll amend that to as vital as the air we breathe –
provided it isn't polluted). “If you write, you don't exist
without one. It's as simple as that!”
OK. So
now I have got myself deeply immersed in the process, for if it is to
be done, then I've got to be the one to do it. But thumbing through
books on web design, redesign and heaven knows what else has taught me next to nothing. No, the little I've learnt has come from doing, getting my
hands dirty, my feet wet.
Thus if
like me you have been diagnosed as suffering from severe site
deficiency syndrome, I suggest you plunge in at the deep digital end
and get designing. Then redesigning, which I anticipate will be a
never-ending occupation in my case. So if you have any comments or
suggestions about my feeble efforts, do let me know.
URL is
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